Kadence Blocks Review: A Robust Analysis

An Ultimate Review of WordPress Kadence Blocks

The Gutenberg block editor has revolutionized WordPress. It has empowered users to easily create visually stunning and dynamic content without depending on traditional page builders. But the default WordPress block editor has many limitations.

You cannot enjoy advanced features and stylizations with the default block editor. Plus, its block library lacks many essential blocks required for page design and content creation. To overcome these limitations, there are now lots of Gutenberg block plugins online.

They offer you numerous additional custom blocks with many advanced features and functionalities. Kadence Block is one of them. In this blog post, I will cover a detailed review of the Kadence Blocks plugin, discussing all the blocks the plugin has.

What Is the WordPress Kadence Blocks?

Kadence Blocks is a powerful WordPress plugin that enhances the functionality of the default Gutenberg editor by providing a wide range of customizable blocks. With over 400,000 active users, Kadence Blocks has gained huge popularity for its ability to create stunning content and fast-loading web pages.

Its interface is almost similar to the default Gutenberg block editor. So, you won’t face any trouble using the plugin, even if you are a beginner. Kadence Blocks currently has 15 custom blocks. Besides, it has a template library with 100+ readymade templates.

Using them, you can create anything from eye-catching hero sections to engaging testimonials. Kadence Blocks has a free and a premium version. You can access all the blocks even with the free version, but you are limited to its features. You must upgrade to the premium version to enjoy all the features and templates.

Current Ratings of Kadence Blocks in Various Platforms

Trustpilot – 4.7
G2 – 4.0
WordPress.org – 4.8

Key Features of the WordPress Kadance Blocks Plugin

Key Features of the WordPress Kadance Blocks Plugin

Alongside the 15 custom blocks, the Kadence blocks plugin offers many exciting features and functionalities that can help take your content creation expertise to another level. Below, I have discussed some notable features of the plugin.

a. Inline AI Content Editor

The Kadence Blocks plugin offers an inline AI content editor feature that allows you to generate and enhance text in real-time using artificial intelligence. With this feature, you can easily customize your message and tone to ensure your content is polished, impactful, and free from errors.

b. Intelligent Load

Unlike other plugins that can slow down your website by loading unnecessary CSS or JavaScript, Kadence Blocks only loads the required CSS or JavaScript when you need it. This ensures optimal performance and prevents any unnecessary bloat, resulting in faster loading times.

c. Design with AI and Readyade Templates

Kadance Blocks has a library with 100+ readymade templates. Using them, you can quickly prepare your content and web design with efficiency. Besides, by leveraging AI technology, you can save time and effort in designing and assembling your website.

Kadance Blocks template library

d. Responsive Controls

With Kadence Blocks, you have full control over the responsive design of your website. You can easily tweak and adjust the design settings for different screen sizes, including tablets and mobile devices while previewing the changes within the WordPress editor.

e. Typography Controls

The plugin provides access to a vast collection of over 900 Google fonts. It gives you a complete control over the typography on your website. You can choose the perfect font styles, sizes, and weights to match your brand identity and enhance the overall visual appeal of your content.

e. Color and Background Controls

Kadence Blocks empowers you to have full control over the design settings of your website. You can easily customize various aspects such as gradients, overlays, parallax backgrounds, borders, and more. This allows you to create visually stunning and unique designs that align with your brand’s aesthetics.

f. Spacing Controls

Kadence Blocks provides comprehensive spacing controls, allowing you to adjust paddings and margins for your blocks using your preferred units of measurement. This level of customization ensures precision spacing and design consistency throughout your website, regardless of screen size or device.

A Quick WordPress Kadence Blocks Review: Explore All the Blocks

A Quick WordPress Kadence Blocks Review

As already said, the WordPress Kadence Blocks plugin has 15 custom blocks. They are Row/Layout, Tabs, Info Box, Countdown, Posts, Table of Contents, Advanced Form, Advanced Gallery, Accordion, Testimonials, Advanced Buttons, Icon List, Spacing/Divider, Icon, and Advanced Text.

In this section, I will provide a quick overview of all the blocks and showcase some examples of them. Let’s begin.

1. Accordion Block

With the Accordion block of the plugin, you can display collapsible sections of information, making it perfect for FAQs, product descriptions, or any content that requires a compact and easily navigable format.

The Accordion block allows you to create a series of headings or questions. Each of these can be expanded or collapsed with a simple click. This interactive functionality improves user experience by presenting information in a concise and user-friendly manner. Visitors can easily navigate through the content, expanding only the sections that interest them, while keeping the rest hidden.

With the Accordion block, you have full control over the design and styling options. You can customize the headings, toggle icons, and content within each accordion section. You can also choose from different styles, such as classic or modern, to match the overall look and feel of your website.

Some of the things you can do with the Accordion block include:

  • Create an FAQ section
  • Present product features
  • Display step-by-step instructions
  • Share information in a compact format

2. Advanced Button Block

The Advanced Button block allows you to create eye-catching and highly customizable buttons on your WordPress website. With this block, you can add visually appealing call-to-action buttons to enhance user engagement and drive desired actions.

The Advanced Button block provides a wide range of customization options. You can easily customize the button text, color, background, border, shape, size, and more. This level of customization ensures that you can create buttons that align perfectly with your brand and design preferences.

Things you can do with the Advanced Button block are:

  • Call-to-action buttons
  • Stylish links
  • Button groups
  • Social media sharing
  • Custom navigation
  • Promotions and discounts
Advanced Button Block of the Kadence Blocks plugin

3. Advanced Form Block

With the Advanced Form block of the Kadence Blocks plugin, you can build various types of forms, such as contact forms, surveys, registration forms, feedback forms, and more, without the need for additional plugins or coding knowledge.

You can easily add and arrange form fields, customize labels and placeholders, set field validations, and configure email notifications upon form submission.

Types of forms you can do with the Advanced Form block:

  • Contact forms
  • Surveys and feedback forms
  • Registration and subscription forms
  • Event registration forms
  • Job application forms
  • Form integrations
  • Anti-spam measures
Advanced Form Block

4. Advanced Gallery Block

The Advanced Gallery block allows you to showcase images or videos in a visually appealing and customizable gallery format on your WordPress website. With this block, you can create stunning galleries that capture attention and engage your audience.

The Advanced Gallery block lets you create various galleries. They are masonry gallery, grid gallery, carousel gallery, fluid carousel, and slider gallery. You can easily upload and arrange images or videos within the gallery, customize spacing, add captions, and apply various hover effects to enhance the visual impact of your content.

Things you can do/create with the Advanced Gallery block:

  • Image galleries
  • Video galleries
  • Portfolio showcases
  • Product showcases
  • Event highlights
  • Storytelling visuals
  • Team or client showcases
Advanced Gallery block

5. Advanced Text Block

The Advanced Text block helps you to create captivating text content with advanced formatting and stylizations. The block offers a wide range of customization options, allowing you to enhance the typography, spacing, colors, and other visual aspects of your text. 

Things you can do with the Advanced Text block:

  • Headings and subheadings
  • Highlight important text
  • Pull quotes and testimonials
  • Call-to-action text
  • Custom content sections
  • Feature descriptions
Advanced Text Block

6. Countdown Block

The Countdown block is a dynamic and engaging block of the Kadence Blocks plugin. You can create countdown timers on your WordPress website with the block. You can add a sense of urgency and create anticipation by displaying countdowns for upcoming events, product launches, promotions, or any time-sensitive content.

You can set the countdown duration, customize the design, and choose from various display options. You can easily configure the countdown to count down to a specific date and time and even add labels or captions to provide context for your visitors.

You can use the Countdown block in the following situations:

  • Event countdowns
  • Limited-time promotions
  • Product launches
  • Countdown to holidays or special occasions
  • Sales and flash deals
  • Website or content launch
  • Event registrations

7. Icon Block

The Icon Block lets you easily add and customize SVG icons on your WordPress website. You have access to a vast library of over 1500+ icons to enhance your content with visually appealing and meaningful icons.

You can add multiple icons per row using the Icon Block, allowing for flexible and creative icon layouts. Each icon can be customized in color, background, and border styles to match your website’s design or convey specific visual cues. 

Icon Block of Kadence Blocks

Where you can use the Icon Block:

  • Feature Highlights
  • Call-to-Action Buttons
  • Social Media Links
  • Navigation Menus
  • Feature Lists
  • Infographics and Data Visualization

8. Icon List Block

The Icon List block helps you to create visually captivating lists on your WordPress website. You can go beyond the standard bullet points and use custom icons to make your lists more engaging and visually appealing. 

Like the Icon block, you have access to a diverse library of over 1500+ SVG icons in the Icon List block so you can find the perfect one for your content. The block provides various customization options to match your website’s design and branding. 

Icon List Block of Kadance Blocks

You can customize the colors, fonts, and sizes of the icons and the text within each list item. Here are some places where you can use the Icon List block:

  • Feature Lists
  • Steps or Instructions
  • Benefits or Advantages
  • Resource Lists
  • Testimonial Highlights
  • Navigation Menus

9. Info Box Block

The Info Box block allows you to create visually appealing and interactive boxes on your WordPress website. This block provides a clickable box that can contain an image or icon, along with optional elements such as a title, description, and ‘learn more’ text.

With the Info Box block, you can customize various aspects of the box’s appearance. You can style the static and hover colors to match your website’s color scheme, change fonts to maintain consistency with your branding, and even add borders or box-shadow effects to make the boxes stand out.

Info Box Block of Kadance Blocks

Things you can do/create with the Info Box block:

  • Feature Boxes
  • Call-to-Action Boxes
  • Resource Boxes
  • Team Member or Author Profiles
  • Pricing or Package Comparison
  • Highlight Testimonials or Reviews

10. Posts Block

With the Posts Block, you can display dynamic and customizable lists of posts on your WordPress website. It allows you to showcase your blog posts, news articles, portfolio items, or any other type of content that is organized as posts in WordPress.

You can choose the number of posts to show, control the order in which they appear, and even filter them based on categories, tags, or other criteria. Additionally, you have the flexibility to customize the layout, typography, colors, and other design elements to match your website’s aesthetic.

Post Block of Kadance Blocks

Here are some of the things you can do with the Posts Block:

  • Blog Feed
  • Featured Posts
  • Related Posts
  • Portfolio or Projects
  • Event Listings
  • Testimonials or Case Studies

11. Row/Layout Block

The Row/Layout Block serves as the base container for creating special layouts or unique content. With the Row/Layout Block, you have the ability to create custom grids that suit your specific needs. This block offers a wide range of possibilities for customization and creativity.

You can control the widths of individual columns, adjust the spacing between columns known as gutters, and customize various visual aspects such as backgrounds, overlays, borders, and dividers.

Row Layout Block of Kadance Blocks

Here are some of the things you can do with the Row/Layout Block:

  • Advanced Layouts
  • Custom Grids
  • Background Customization
  • Overlay Effects
  • Border and Divider Styling

12. Spacing/Divider Block

Spacing Divider block of Kadance blocks

The Spacing/Divider Block is a simple and straightforward block. It enables you to add dividers to your content and customize the spacing within your web page. This block offers various options to control the appearance and height of dividers, providing flexibility in designing your website.

With the Spacing/Divider Block, you can:

  • Divider Options
  • Height Customization
  • Color, Size, and Width
  • Responsive Design

13. Tabs Block

This block allows you to organize and present content in a tabbed format on your WordPress website. You can create multiple tabs, each containing different types of content such as text, images, videos, or any other block available in the Gutenberg editor. 

The block provides customization options to style the tabs, including colors, typography, and alignment. Here are some key features and capabilities of the Tabs Block:

  • Organize Content
  • Multiple Tab Options
  • Tab Content Flexibility
  • Responsive Design
  • Navigation and Interaction

14. Table of Contents Block

Table of Content Block of Kadence Blocks

The Table of Contents (TOC) Block allows you to automatically generate a table of contents for their long-form content or web pages. It creates a table of contents by scanning the headings and subheadings within the content and generating a navigational list.

The Table of Content Block offers the following functionalities:

  • Automatically generates TOC
  • Navigates users with links within the table
  • Customize the table font and color
  • Easy to make the TOC responsive

15. Testimonials Block

Testimonial block of Kadance Blocks

A testimonial is a statement or feedback from a past customer or client that describes how a product or service helped them. They serve as a form of social proof, providing evidence of the positive experiences and results that others have had with your business.

The Testimonial Block of the plugin allows you to display testimonials from satisfied customers or clients on your WordPress website.

Things you can do with the Testimonial Block of the plugin:

  • Showcase Customer Feedback
  • Trust and Social Proof
  • Customization the Testimonials
  • Show Multiple Testimonials
  • Use in Call to Action Sections


In addition to all the blocks and features, the customer and community support of the Kadance Blocks plugin is worth mentioning. The team behind the plugin is dedicated to providing excellent customer support, ensuring that any issues or questions are promptly addressed. 

The active community offers a wealth of resources and inspiration, making it easy to learn and grow with this powerful tool. So, if you are looking for Gutenberg block plugin, Kadance Blocks is the one that must be on your checklist.

But if you want to try some more block plugins, explore this post on the best WordPress Gutenberg Block plugins.

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